Monday, November 16, 2009

The first outraged response (is really just lukewarm?)

Here, a student comments on my article on sex and individuality. She totally misses the point of my article and in fact does not mention my name at all. So much for provocative discourse on my part.

1 Her point is lame.
2 She totally misses the point of my article, which addresses these objections anyway.

Mistakes are a part of growth

Sex as a commodity is not a new idea. It is in what we read, listen to and see in advertisements. Sex is not necessarily the way to be free, but to shoot down the attempt to find oneself seems counterproductive. These experiences are not for selling, but for learning what not to do in the future. If you do not fall, you will not know how to get back up. People learn that meaningless sex is not “noble” or gratifying, but they will not know this until they feel the bittersweet stab of regret. Once they have missed out on finding something real and true, they will understand why to search for what will make them happy. Learning to survive is a noble thing, and people learn best by action. Condemning these people for their search not only for themselves, but for what they want on a deeper level will not help. If you protect them from their own right to experience, they will come to question even more. Instead of bragging, let these people ask themselves, does it hurt to see others happy in a relationship and why they are giving up on that happiness. To an individual, life is a search and you have to make mistakes. What if meaningless sex is yours?

Christina Lynn Belville
freshman, English

1 comment:

  1. Here's what she's reacting to.


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