Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Life is hard versus life is easy

The classes at NC State, I reckon, are similar to those everywhere. I always have a problem if the teacher teaches a class with just an overhead the whole time. It's acold class to me that does that. I haven't escaped those at State and I think I'm going to have to deal with dark rooms for the rest of my life.

Here's the kicker about one of them: I was the kid who asked for the lights off. I was sitting next to this girl Bridgette who is cool, and she was talking about the nasty zinging sound from the lights. They were fluorescent lights. I said I heard it too and I raised my hand and asked the professor to turn them off and he did.

Here is a philosophy of kindness, boosted by my gut intuition from experience that happiness and sadness are not on the same axises in our bodies and mind. The philosophy reads to help people no matter what, and to be kind for no reason, to everyone.

It's easy for me to say, hard for me to do. I have a friend who last night, picked me up from my dorm, took me to run an errand at food lion, and then we went back to his dorm to have cookies and tea and coffee. I didn't pay anything and I was given these gifts for free.

When I got out of that, and I was hanging out with my suite mates, they got me soda and pizza.

If you asked any people why they did this, they really would not have an answer for you. I am predisposed to dislike people, and it's partly the chemicals in my brain compounded and concatenating over and over which sets me up for this stuff. I am that person who takes everything to heart and it just is not this way.

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